Magnetic tape / Video tape

We handle such items as magnetic tape, videotape, and microfilm. These can be stored in bulk in containers dedicated to each storage medium or stored individually. (Tokyo, Osaka)

  • Inventory management via the Internet
  • Bar code management
  • Supply of inventory reports, storage expiration reports, unreturned (delivered) reports, document retention slips, and various other management forms
  • Collection and delivery service by private vehicle (Tokyo)

* Our Internet trunk room videotape/magnetic tape storage system allows procedures to be easily performed online for entering and dispatching materials from the warehouse.
* Quick delivery by private vehicle.


Items Magnetic tape , Videotape Film for long-term storage
Temperature control about 18℃ about 5℃
Humidity control about 55% under 40%
Other conditions Movable racks and fixed shelving , Halon gas fire extinguishing system (Tokyo) Nitrogen gas fire extinguishing system , Emergency generator (Tokyo)
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